The mission is too big for any one person, organisation or church to achieve and so we partner with God, each other and others to see His Kingdom come here on earth as it is in heaven.

East Lancashire

  • Community Grocery

    In partnership with the Message Trust, Life Church brought the Community Grocery initiative to East Lancashire in 2022. We currently have 2 locations, Valley Street Community Centre and Down Town in Burnley Town Centre. As well as a route out of poverty, the Community Groceries give a sense of dignity to the shoppers and provide wrap-around care through offering services in partnership with Burnley Together, Christians Against Poverty and Alpha, as well as prayer support.

  • Christians Against Poverty

    Christians Against Poverty is a national charity that enables people to find freedom from debt. CAP gets alongside people by empowering them with budgeting skills, communicating with creditors on their behalf and connecting them to the wider church community. We partner with CAP Burnley, Nelson and Colne through providing Befrienders, a Life Skills Manager, a local Debt Coach and by hosting a the local CAP steering group.

  • Safe Families

    Safe Families vision is to reduce the number of children being ‘looked after’ by at least 10 per cent by recruiting, training and mobilising 100,000 volunteers in communities across Great Britain by 2025. Their mission is to improve the outcomes for children and families going through a crisis. Life Church partners with Safe Families to reach out into the community by supplying volunteers.

  • Women's Refuge

    SafeNet empowers women and children to live free from domestic violence and abuse. Life Church provides support through the donation of clothing and household items, gifts for the women and children, and pamper days. Our team attends the Refuge once a month to bring support and friendship to the women and children living in the centre.

  • New Neighbours

    New Neighbours Together welcomes refugees and asylum seekers to the town with friendship, hospitality, advice and support. Life Church partners with New Neighbours Together by supporting their mission to bring asylum seekers to East Lancashire as well as donating towards their work.

  • Burnley High School

    Life Church co-founded Burnley High School in 2014 as a Christian ethos free school for pupils of all faiths and none. We continue to support the school which puts a high value on family and is guided by the principles of respect, ambition, resilience and responsibility. Pete Baker is currently the Chair of Governors. We also serve a number of primary and secondary schools across East Lancs, seeking to share the good news of Jesus with those children and young people.


  • Brighter Future Schools

    Brighter Future School is a primary school based in Toba Tek Singh, Pakistan. Life Church founded the school in 2006 and has been funding it ever since.

  • Nxt Move Europe

    Life Church is the home of Nxt Move Europe. Nxt Move is a community of transformational relationships seeking to turn around the trajectory of Christianity in the next generation. Nxt Move Europe is led by Life Church's own Dan and Marina Randall who seek to build a community of leaders of leaders, cultivate leadership in the younger generations and enable European leaders to go deep in relationship to develop clear collaborative strategies. For more information about Nxt Move globally, head to nxtmove.global.

  • Czechia

    Over the past decade we have been serving churches across Czech through mission trips from East Lancashire; hosting youth camps, equipping leaders, speaking and running community projects. We have also hosted UK tours, serving church and movement leaders from Czech and facilitating collective learning.

  • Compassion

    Through our partnership with Compassion UK, we sponsor a project in Nakiloro Village in rural Uganda. The village has a population of 750 and an unemployment rate of 80% and so the need is great as is the opportunity to impact a whole community. Members of our church sponsor individual children through giving £32 a month and sending regular letters. This means that those children receive education, healthy meals, medical check ups, recreational activities, vocational training and Christian input. Click here if you'd like to consider sponsoring a child.

    As a church we also sponsor children on behalf of Life Kids and Life Youth who get to send letters and pictures as well as donate throughout the year.

    If you're part of the church and you sponsor a child in another project then you can complete this short form to link your child to the church profile It's been incredible to see how many young lives we've collectively been able to bring transformation to so far!

Do you want to be part of our excellent team? Find out about volunteering here.