12 Steps - Life Recovery
Jane & Michael
Life church - Life Recovery Group Leaders
As a local church we are committed to helping people find life and life in all its fullness. We have been running the 12 Steps Life Recovery Group for a number of years helping people break free from addiction in a community of welcome and safety.
The 12 Step Life Recovery Bible Study has supported many individuals in their struggles with different types of addictions and dependencies. The support has helped with traditional addictions of Alcohol, Drugs, Food and Gambling, but also with Relationships, Independence Issues and Sex and Pornography to name a few.
The meetings are 100% confidential and nothing is discussed outside the group with non group members. Members need this so they can share with each other any issue that they need to discuss on a confidential basis. Members who have come to the group on a regular basis have seen massive improvements to their lives, their understanding of the issues they suffer from and have been able to recover from the issues they have with the ongoing support of the 12 steps, the Life Recovery Bible and the members of the group.
The meetings are built on Christian Principles as all of the discussion and workbooks are around the Life Recovery Bible. In fact, the 12 steps make the characters mentioned in the bible, like David, Peter, Abraham, become more real to the reader as they point out their very human faults, which are ours as well.
Michael and his wife Jayne lead the group, here’s what he says about the Life Recovery Group;
“My own personal journey has been 31 years of sobriety after 13 years of going through hell with alcoholism which included many years in prison and when not physically in prison, feeling like I was in my mind and spirit. With the help of the 12 steps I feel free and with the guidance of the Life Recovery Bible and the workbooks, my Christian beliefs have broadened and deepened.”
For more information on the Life Recovery group email us at info@lifelancs.org